By Margie Lew
To describe a whirling dervish, a .human dynamo, or a ball of fire in two short words is a rather simple matter, when those two short words are – – Stan Lau. Being a person with great drive and purpose, Stan typifies the “young man in a hurry” – – he likes to get things done now, or as soon as humanly possible. Trouble is – – not everyone can keep pace with him!
Although born in Kobe, Japan (his father was serving as a minister there), Stan grew up in the Los Angeles area. After graduation from Glendale High and a short period in college, Stan received some personal “greetings” from Uncle Sam. His tour of duty during World War II was in the European theater, stationed in England, France and Germany.
Coming home in 1946, he was invited to attend a dance sponsored by a community group to honor the returning veterans. A real stroke of good fortune, as it turned out, for one of the charming young girls at the dance was Dora, destined to be the future Mrs. Lau.
Like so many other young men whose lives had been interrupted by military service, Stan returned to college. And like so many other veteran’s wives, Dora worked to help her new husband through school. Stan graduated from UCLA’-as a chemist and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He then attended UCLA Graduate School to become an organic Chemist. For a number of years, Stan worked in t6e Los Angeles area in the field of polymer chemistry (resins, sealants, adhesives, etc.). He was Chief Chemist in several research and development laboratories. A number of years ago, he decided to change careers. He is presently working as a Sr. Office Engineering Aide with the Department of Water arid Power.
Stan and his lovely Dora have been happily and devotedly married for 28 years. They have given a considerable amount of financial, moral; and physical support to various community and church organizations. Earlier this year, Stan received a Certificate of Merit from Los Angeles City’s Human Relations Commission in recognition of his outstanding
community services. He is an active member of the Crown City Optimist Club of Pasadena and the Chinese American Citizens Alliance; past president of the Los Angeles City Employees Asian American Association; active participant in the Los Angeles Chinese Drum and Bugle Corp Booster Club. His concern for others, and his willingness to help are well-known.
As a founding member and first president of the Chinese Historical Society of Southern · California, Stan demonstrated yet again his organizational abilities, his enthusiasm, and his total dedication to something he believes is worthwhile. On relinquishing his presidential duties at the Jan. 1977 dinner-meeting, Stan stated to the membership, “The Bicentennial Year 1976 marked the beginning of our historical society. Much has been accomplished during this first year, and our society has gained recognition and wide support for our activities. 1976 was a good year, but a better one lies ahead. What success we have achieved is due to the contribution of all of you. Thank you for your hard work, and for giving me an opportunity to serve.”